Botanical Name Melaleuca cajeputi
Description Cajuput oil is obtained by distillation of leaves, which are collected in autumn. First these leaves are steeped for a night in water and then distilled in copper vessels. The yield is light, thin, and bluish-green in color that has peculiar, agreeable and distinctly camphoraceous odor. It also has an aromatic, bitterish taste with specific gravity of 0.922 to 0.929 at 15° C. (59° F).Bland With Angelica, cloves, bergamot, geranium, lavender and thyme.
Description Cajuput oil is obtained by distillation of leaves, which are collected in autumn. First these leaves are steeped for a night in water and then distilled in copper vessels. The yield is light, thin, and bluish-green in color that has peculiar, agreeable and distinctly camphoraceous odor. It also has an aromatic, bitterish taste with specific gravity of 0.922 to 0.929 at 15° C. (59° F).Bland With Angelica, cloves, bergamot, geranium, lavender and thyme.
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